External Datasources

Getting information from over yonder


The Nomadic Pi car computer makes use of some external data sources to enrich the on road experience.

These are:

  • Here.com - Location specific speed limit information and weather data
  • LocationIQ - Human readable address information from latitude, longitude location data

* These services require the Nomadic Pi to have an active internet connection.

Getting Required API Keys

Go to the here.com developer portal and sign up to receive an API key and application ID. The account is free and access to their data services are free for under 15000 requests a month ( that allows for one request every 2.9 minutes ).

Once you have your here.com application ID and API key. Edit the Nomadic Pi application config. This can be found at:

  • /home/pi/Software/car-computer/config/config.ini

Enter your details in the section labelled [here-api]. Save the changes and then reboot the Nomadic Pi for the changes to take effect.

To use the locationIQ reverse geocoding service first register an account to receive a developer token. The token allows up to 10,000 API calls per day for free.

After receiving your developer token. Add it to the Nomadic Pi application config under the [location-iq] heading.


Download the image file, write it to an SD card and get started building the perfect entertainment system for your vehicle.

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